Angelina Rangel

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Police The content of the piece is a criticism of the justice system and police. I chose to paint the station as a façade of the police system that we are often fed in the media while the cold holding cells show the reality of the justice system. Oftentimes people are punished for protesting or small crimes in order to utilize their labor and make money off them and at the same time silence them while destroying the community. This is prevalent in poorer areas that are often over policed. This disproportionally affects minorities. In our contemporary society police brutality and other issues in our justice system have come to light but are often silenced. I have noticed that in our society we punish people who think for themselves and stand up for their beliefs. It is not only more convenient to ignore issues, but there is a genuine demonization of activist groups by our government. Additionally, there are people who genuinely believed standing up against police brutality was some sort of communist movement. Because people are so scared of change, those who want change are “bad” and are punished socially and legally.

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